TIP #1: The
sun's intensity is directly related to the angle it is hitting you.
Lying flat at high noon means that the surface exposed is getting the
highest intensity of sun rays. This is true for the shoulders and scalp
when standing. When standing, the nose and decollete are going to get
more sun if they are more horizontal than other body parts. The more
horizontal to the sun, the more intense the inflammation at the skin
level. Try to keep track of which parts of your body are getting excess
or more intense sun and wear a hat or shirt accordingly.
TIP #2: Immune
health is a direct determinant to how long you can stay in the sun
safely. Get to know where your body is at and always keep the food you
are eating and the alcohol you are drinking in mind when choosing to
sunbathe. Some of the biggest instant immunosuppressors are hormones in
meat and dairy. If you are using UV Neutralizer H20
on vacation at an all-inclusive, you may want to do a test with normal
sunscreen again (leaving one area exposed) to see if you are
immunocompromised by their food along with starting slow on your sun
exposure in the first days of vacation. Yes it is possible that you
could handle sun last year without issue only to find that this year,
your system is weaker and you have to moderate sun exposure more.
TIP #3: Pay attention to the UV Index. There are areas around
the globe that have higher intensity sun. Anything over 12 is a reason
to moderate your sun bathing to non-peak hours. If that is unavoidable,
then secondary sun protection (UV Neutralizer H20 and Shade) is recommended.
TIP #4: Be
smart. The sun is more intense than it has been in our lifetimes. Our
skin is designed to handle modest sun exposure when completely healthy.
It is very hard to be completely healthy in today's toxic environment.
Don't put yourself in a position where you don't have easy access to
shade if you can help it.
TIP #5: Sun
sensitivity is a real and growing problem. A majority of prescription
medications, including birth control pills, lower your ability to heal
sun damage and therefore make sunscreens less effective.
skin secrets
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Summers Here....protect your investment....in your body
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Herbs for Life
1. Dandelion: This was used in ancient China for its
potency as a diuretic and detoxifying herb. Many healers regard
dandelion root as an excellent remedy for diarrhea, eye problems, fever,
diabetes and digestive disorders. Other medicinal properties associated
with this plant were geared toward women in treating breast
inflammation and stimulating milk flow. The root extract makes an
excellent tea remedy for helping some cystic acne conditions.
2. Mustard Seed: Aside from adding flavor to your foods, the mustard seed has exceptional and beneficial properties. The seeds are high in selenium and magnesium. These wonder seeds are packed with the B-complex vitamins, and although each one has its individual merits, they can help with weight loss and slow aging due to the richness of the antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and the carotenes. They are also packed with sulfur which can ease skin inflammations, muscle pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Goldenseal: This herbal antibiotic and immune system enhancer has gained a reputation as one of the most popular herbs on the market for treating colds and flu. It soothes irritated mucous membranes, clearing the throat, eyes, nose, and relieving congestion from the symptoms of upper respiratory infections. It is best to take goldenseal at the first sign of a runny nose or fever, as the healing properties can work their magic before the immune system is compromised further. Popular in teas and coupled with Echinacea, goldenseal is one of the best natural antibiotics against infection.
4. Saffron: One of its first uses was for dyeing textiles since a single grain can color 10 gallons of water with a distinctive yellow hue. It has been revealed that saffron helps tremendously with appetite control and weight management. The manganese content of saffron alone is off the charts at 400 percent of the daily recommended value. Manganese helps regulate blood sugar, metabolize carbohydrates, and absorbs calcium. It also helps form tissues, bones, and sex hormones. Saffron also contains Vitamin C, and we know that this is a true infection fighter. Lastly, saffron has been shown to reduce some toxicity in the body, which can reduce potential growing tumors.
The volatility of saffron makes this compound have a very strong taste and fragrance in cooking. It is an expensive herb, but well worth the investment for its healthful benefits.
5. Turmeric: This dark orange-ish yellow herb has become one of the most significant anti-inflammatory healers for the holistic community for some time now. Most western doctors are starting to come on board with the amazing properties that turmeric can offer. Imported from India, this widely used spice yields more benefits that are continually being studied and revealed. The main component in turmeric, curcumin, blocks an enzyme that has been linked to reducing the growth of potential cancer in the head and neck areas. If that isn’t enough goodness, turmeric also plays a vital role in all other anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant capabilities.
It is a powerful plant, and is best when used raw, as it is more effective. Sprinkle some on vegetables or salads, or when mixing dressings. I like to mix it with coconut oil, as this combo is an amazing taste sensation, not to mention the wonderful offerings of the blend of the two.
2. Mustard Seed: Aside from adding flavor to your foods, the mustard seed has exceptional and beneficial properties. The seeds are high in selenium and magnesium. These wonder seeds are packed with the B-complex vitamins, and although each one has its individual merits, they can help with weight loss and slow aging due to the richness of the antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and the carotenes. They are also packed with sulfur which can ease skin inflammations, muscle pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Goldenseal: This herbal antibiotic and immune system enhancer has gained a reputation as one of the most popular herbs on the market for treating colds and flu. It soothes irritated mucous membranes, clearing the throat, eyes, nose, and relieving congestion from the symptoms of upper respiratory infections. It is best to take goldenseal at the first sign of a runny nose or fever, as the healing properties can work their magic before the immune system is compromised further. Popular in teas and coupled with Echinacea, goldenseal is one of the best natural antibiotics against infection.
4. Saffron: One of its first uses was for dyeing textiles since a single grain can color 10 gallons of water with a distinctive yellow hue. It has been revealed that saffron helps tremendously with appetite control and weight management. The manganese content of saffron alone is off the charts at 400 percent of the daily recommended value. Manganese helps regulate blood sugar, metabolize carbohydrates, and absorbs calcium. It also helps form tissues, bones, and sex hormones. Saffron also contains Vitamin C, and we know that this is a true infection fighter. Lastly, saffron has been shown to reduce some toxicity in the body, which can reduce potential growing tumors.
The volatility of saffron makes this compound have a very strong taste and fragrance in cooking. It is an expensive herb, but well worth the investment for its healthful benefits.
5. Turmeric: This dark orange-ish yellow herb has become one of the most significant anti-inflammatory healers for the holistic community for some time now. Most western doctors are starting to come on board with the amazing properties that turmeric can offer. Imported from India, this widely used spice yields more benefits that are continually being studied and revealed. The main component in turmeric, curcumin, blocks an enzyme that has been linked to reducing the growth of potential cancer in the head and neck areas. If that isn’t enough goodness, turmeric also plays a vital role in all other anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant capabilities.
It is a powerful plant, and is best when used raw, as it is more effective. Sprinkle some on vegetables or salads, or when mixing dressings. I like to mix it with coconut oil, as this combo is an amazing taste sensation, not to mention the wonderful offerings of the blend of the two.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
You ARE what you eat
My destiny was set when I was born—or so it seemed.
When my mom looked upon my new born face, to her horror she saw pimples on my chin.Now, every mother thinks her newborn is a beauty, and although she says I was, she couldn’t help but focus on those little pimples. You see, she had suffered with rosacea for years and dreamed of a clear complexion for her daughter.
Well, it seemed that her dream would come true, for a while.
During my teens I barely had a pimple. I never even thought about my complexion. While many of my friends struggled with teenage acne, I barely had a zit. Then, suddenly in my early twenties I developed adult acne. It seemed to appear out of nowhere, and while my acne was not severe, it made me self conscious. Like everyone, I was staring at my blemishes.
Fast forward, twenty years, (because it took me that long to figure it out), it turns out I had food allergies.
The underlying cause of my adult acne was a food allergy to gluten, dairy, corn and chocolate. This caused an overgrowth of yeast in my system and lead to many health conditions such as chronic bladder, sinus and yeast infections.
I spent loads of money on cleaners and creams with the hope I would wake up one day with blemish free skin. But we don’t need to wait; clear skin can be ours today.
Here are five tips for clear skin:
1. Determine if you have food allergies. The top food allergens are wheat, dairy, corn, citrus, eggs and chocolate. Try an elimination diet and see if your acne improves.I have now returned to the glowing skin of my youth—albeit with a few more laugh lines. If I indulge in the foods that I am allergic to, the acne returns and this helps me stay the course.
2. Dairy is often an allergy that aggravates acne. The Nurses Health II study was established in 1989 and followed 47,000 women. The women were asked about daily consumption of dairy when they were teens, particularly about the milk they drank.
They discovered that women, who drank more than three servings of milk per day, were twenty-two percent more likely to have to severe acne as teenagers. Those that drank skim milk were 44 percent more likely to have had severe acne as teenagers. When milk is filled with hormones and antibiotics, it begs the question: does it really do a body good? The decision is yours. My favorite non dairy alternative is almond milk.
3. Give up the processed foods. Yes, that’s right, no more eating food with ingredients that can’t be pronounced. If it has a health claim or comes from a box, don’t eat it. Opt for whole foods instead, such as fruits, veggies and whole grains. These are packed with inflammation fighting ingredients and antioxidants. As Michael Pollan says, don’t eat anything incapable of rotting.
4. Cut out the processed sugar and high glycemic load foods. These spike our blood sugar and drive up insulin, which contributes to acne. Time to eliminate the refined carbohydrates such as breads, muffins, crackers, cookies and pancakes (just to name a few). I know when I eat processed sugar, it causes my Candida to flare up (sugar is fuel for Candida) and out pop the blemishes.
5. Consume Omega 3 fatty acids in, foods such as wild salmon, ground flax seed, chia seed, hemp seed or oil, walnuts. These help to reduce inflammation. I toss hemp hearts and/or ground flax seeds and walnuts on my morning gluten free porridge or in my smoothie.
So, is our food healing or harming us? The solution to clear skin is not in a bottle; it’s in our refrigerators.
We are what we eat, so what are we putting in our bodies?
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Cosmetics can be deadly
The above link will give a list of potentially toxic ingredients found in most commercial cosmetic preparations. Although their claims of beauty enhancing creams and makeups sound good, after closer inspection I have found them to contain junk, junk, and more junk. The first five ingredients listed are what you are paying for. Make sure they match the front of the label which is simply advertisement. Also make sure the preservatives listed are safe. Women do not realize that allergic reactions such as burning, rashes and clogged pores are the result of these things. When your skin has an inflammatory reaction chronically it will cause collagen breakdown at a rapid rate. So....the beauty promised of younger skin is actually a lie, because with collagen breakdown it will age faster along with continued aggressive exfoliation. Contact your local skin care professional for an analysis and products.
The above link will give a list of potentially toxic ingredients found in most commercial cosmetic preparations. Although their claims of beauty enhancing creams and makeups sound good, after closer inspection I have found them to contain junk, junk, and more junk. The first five ingredients listed are what you are paying for. Make sure they match the front of the label which is simply advertisement. Also make sure the preservatives listed are safe. Women do not realize that allergic reactions such as burning, rashes and clogged pores are the result of these things. When your skin has an inflammatory reaction chronically it will cause collagen breakdown at a rapid rate. So....the beauty promised of younger skin is actually a lie, because with collagen breakdown it will age faster along with continued aggressive exfoliation. Contact your local skin care professional for an analysis and products.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Face Mapping
I always knew that the once-monthly spots that overtook my chin were the result of not-so-stable hormones. However, when my dermatologist took one look at the sudden outcrop of angry zits on my nose and asked me to get my blood pressure checked, it introduced me to a whole new (actually old) science of face mapping, which is pretty much the key to unlocking the mysteries behind problem skin.
Face mapping, which is fast taking centre stage at most clinics nowadays, combines Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine with cutting edge dermatologists’ prescriptions to explain how certain parts of your face are connected to other areas of your body. Put simply, think of your face as a map and blemishes as X’s on that landscape. Spots in different zones correspond to different problems. So, with this “map” as your guide, you can address the underlying causes of blemishes and not only make the unsightly zits vanish but also treat the underlying health problem in time.
Pretty awesome, right? Try it out: Here is how to decode breakouts in the basic areas.
face mapping, acne, zits, pimple, spots, solutions, skincare, beauty, skin, face
1 & 2: Digestive System — Eat less processed or junk food, reduce the amount of fat in your diet, step up water intake and opt for cooling things like cucumbers.
3: Liver — Cut out the alcohol, greasy food and dairy. This is the zone where food allergies also show up first, so take a look at your ingredients. Besides all this, do 30 minutes of light exercise every day and get adequate sleep so your liver can rest.
4 & 5: Kidneys — Anything around the eyes (including dark circles) point to dehydration. Drink up!
6: Heart — Check your blood pressure (mine was slightly high) and Vitamin B levels. Decrease the intake of spicy or pungent food, cut down on meat and get more fresh air. Besides this, look into ways to lower cholesterol, like replacing “bad fats” with “good fats” such as Omegas 3 and 6 found in nuts, avocados, fish and flax seed. Also, since this area is chock-full of dilated pores, check that your makeup is not past its expiry date or is skin-clogging.
7 & 8: Kidneys — Again, drink up! And cut down on aerated drinks, coffee and alcohol as these will cause further dehydration.
Zone 9 & 10: Respiratory system — Do you smoke? Have allergies? This is your problem area for both. If neither of these is the issue, don’t let your body overheat, eat more cooling foods, cut down on sugar and get more fresh air. Also keep the body more alkaline by avoiding foods that make the body acidic (meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, sugar) and adding more alkalizing foods like green veggies and wheatgrass juice. Another thing that most of forget – dirty cell phones and pillow cases are two of the top acne culprits and this area is what they affect the most!
Zone 11 & 12: Hormones — This is the signature zone for stress and hormonal changes. And while both are sometimes unavoidable, you can decrease their effect by getting adequate sleep, drinking enough water, eating leafy veggies and keeping skin scrupulously clean. Another interesting point: breakouts in this area indicate when you are ovulating (and on which side).
Zone 13: Stomach — Step up the fibre intake, reduce the toxin overload and drink herbal teas to help with digestion.
14: Illness — Zits here can be a sign that your body is fighting bacteria to avoid illness. Give it a break, take a yoga class, take a nap, take time to breathe deeply, drink plenty of water and know that everything always works out!
So the next time you break out or notice dark under-eye circles, look to your face map: your skin is probably trying to communicate on behalf of the internal organs. However, do remember that, as with all medical issues, it is always best to see your doctor or dermotologist for a proper prognosis. This is just a general guide to head you off in the right investigative direction – just becuase you break out between the brows doesn’t always mean you have a bad liver!

Sunday, September 22, 2013
Invasix Fractora Firm Treatments
Invasix Fractora Firm Treatments
Many questions are asked about Radio Frequency Machines and what they can accomplish in creating better skin. I have personally experienced a couple of treatments and can tell you without a doubt they can improve smoothness and firmness on a temporary basis if you follow the protocol.
The protocol is six treatments at the very least, which can cost you time and money. The improvements are subtle but real. The series typically runs around $2,800, and you will spend approximately an hour in the office for each. The only truly professional machines are authorized to be used under a physicians direction and can be performed by her nurse or esthetician.
The Firm handpiece slowly heats up the subcutaneous tissues and dermis to create a shrinking or tightening effect and new collagen growth.
The Fractora handpiece ablates the epidermis for a resurfacing effect. Fine lines and some scars are improved.
The best age to start thinking about these treatments are when you start feeling the need for fillers and or Botox. Aging faces that are in need of a full on facelift will see a small improvement in the firming, but will not be happy with the treatment for badly slacking skin. The resurfacing treatment along with a facelife around the eyes or mouth will improve the overall surgical effect.
Please contact your professional, and we at Sarasota Wellness and Internal Medicine with Dr. Sherri Weinstein and myself www.aboutfaceestheticsinc.com will be happy to advise.
Many questions are asked about Radio Frequency Machines and what they can accomplish in creating better skin. I have personally experienced a couple of treatments and can tell you without a doubt they can improve smoothness and firmness on a temporary basis if you follow the protocol.
The protocol is six treatments at the very least, which can cost you time and money. The improvements are subtle but real. The series typically runs around $2,800, and you will spend approximately an hour in the office for each. The only truly professional machines are authorized to be used under a physicians direction and can be performed by her nurse or esthetician.
The Firm handpiece slowly heats up the subcutaneous tissues and dermis to create a shrinking or tightening effect and new collagen growth.
The Fractora handpiece ablates the epidermis for a resurfacing effect. Fine lines and some scars are improved.
The best age to start thinking about these treatments are when you start feeling the need for fillers and or Botox. Aging faces that are in need of a full on facelift will see a small improvement in the firming, but will not be happy with the treatment for badly slacking skin. The resurfacing treatment along with a facelife around the eyes or mouth will improve the overall surgical effect.
Please contact your professional, and we at Sarasota Wellness and Internal Medicine with Dr. Sherri Weinstein and myself www.aboutfaceestheticsinc.com will be happy to advise.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Dangerous Chemicals Lurking in your Skin Care Products
Buyer Beware! Many consumers make the price point the decision making process tool in choosing sunscreen, mascara, nail polish, foundation etc. For conscious consumers reading the ingredients on your purchases as I have explained in previous articles will keep your skin safe especially if you are sensitive to these questionable formulations.
Parabens are a preservative that can lead to hormonal disruptions, by preventing the breakdown of estrogen. A buildup of estrogen can wreak havoc on men and women as we have discovered, being possibly the reason for some breast cancers.
Petroleum Distillates are found in mascara, foundations, eye shadows, among others and when accumulated by continued use are irritating at the very least and a neurotoxin for those who are susceptible.
Formaldehyde used in nail polishes, hair straighteners etc. have been linked to some neurological diseases, lesser symptoms are headache, rhinitis and other allergic reactions.
Phthalates are commonly used in cosmetics, and lumped in with fragrances. This group of chemicals are hormone-mimicking and have been banned in Europe. They have been attributed to deformities in the reproductive systems of the animals tested.
Methyl Cellosolve is also lumped in with fragrances found in body products, cosmetics, deodorant etc. and is a known neurotoxin which is destructive to nerve tissue after time.
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) is used as a preservative, it affects the environment especially aquatic animals and interferes with hormone activity and in some susceptible persons increases liver enzymes.
Hydroquinone used very effectively to lighten skin and is a proven danger to a persons liver function. Tumors of the liver and poor lung function have been reported after long time use.
Octinoxate is used in suncreen and foundations claiming to have sunscreen properties. Can be an endocrine disruptor to people predisposed and have shown to reduce testosterone in laboratory animals.
Quaternium-15 used in cosmetics particularly eyeshadow and have been documented as an allergen to some skin, eyes, or lungs. Organ system dangers are a concern as it acts as a formaldehyde releaser.
For consumers wanting "clean" products may I suggest Mineral Makeups from companies willing to share a full ingredients list. Contact your skin professional for more help.
Parabens are a preservative that can lead to hormonal disruptions, by preventing the breakdown of estrogen. A buildup of estrogen can wreak havoc on men and women as we have discovered, being possibly the reason for some breast cancers.
Petroleum Distillates are found in mascara, foundations, eye shadows, among others and when accumulated by continued use are irritating at the very least and a neurotoxin for those who are susceptible.
Formaldehyde used in nail polishes, hair straighteners etc. have been linked to some neurological diseases, lesser symptoms are headache, rhinitis and other allergic reactions.
Phthalates are commonly used in cosmetics, and lumped in with fragrances. This group of chemicals are hormone-mimicking and have been banned in Europe. They have been attributed to deformities in the reproductive systems of the animals tested.
Methyl Cellosolve is also lumped in with fragrances found in body products, cosmetics, deodorant etc. and is a known neurotoxin which is destructive to nerve tissue after time.
Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) is used as a preservative, it affects the environment especially aquatic animals and interferes with hormone activity and in some susceptible persons increases liver enzymes.
Hydroquinone used very effectively to lighten skin and is a proven danger to a persons liver function. Tumors of the liver and poor lung function have been reported after long time use.
Octinoxate is used in suncreen and foundations claiming to have sunscreen properties. Can be an endocrine disruptor to people predisposed and have shown to reduce testosterone in laboratory animals.
Quaternium-15 used in cosmetics particularly eyeshadow and have been documented as an allergen to some skin, eyes, or lungs. Organ system dangers are a concern as it acts as a formaldehyde releaser.
For consumers wanting "clean" products may I suggest Mineral Makeups from companies willing to share a full ingredients list. Contact your skin professional for more help.
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