Thursday, April 21, 2011

Acid Peels

The ingredient in most anti-aging products is glycolic acid or Retin-A(retinoic acid). The skin doesn't have glycolic acid receptors or does not respond to synthetic acids  so its method of action is simply to destroy epidermal cells. (top skin cells) The response in the skin has inflammation, temporarily reducing lines by the swelling, a cause and effect of damage, and your skin goes into repair mode. Once thought of as beneficial, science is beginning to understand that instead of building new collagen these products force a continued repair of recent damage in the epidermas leaving the dermas where new collagen is formed underfed.So how do you stimulate the skin without damaging it? One clear key ingredient is Retinaldehyde which stimulates Fibroblasts without trauma. Retinaldehyde is what the skin uses to make collagen by converting it to Retinoic Acid. Contact your skin care professional for products which promote collagen building.

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