Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How To Give Yourself a natural facelift

Well... maybe not exactly a facelift, but definitely improved tone just as you can tone any muscle on your body. One of the modalities I incorporate into my facial service is facial massage. Certain conditions can be treated by massage. For example, people who suffer from insomnia benefit from having a head and face massage, or massaging themselves, just before they go to bed. Massage also boosts the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells and antibodies. Massage relaxes tension in your face, some people are teeth grinders. Massage increases blood flow and lymph drainage reduces puffiness. Lots of my clients are close to my age and complain of eyelid droopiness. One exercise you can perform is to place one index finger on top of each eyelid and keeping your eyes shut, widen your eyes as if trying to lift your eyelids. Perform a set of 10 daily. For more exercises, contact About Face Esthetics  941-914-6594 for an appointment.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ayurveda For Skin Care

Ayurveda is India's traditional system of health and healing. An ancient medical system built on practice and observation centuries ago. It is holistic in nature, seeing the body as a spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical entity. One philosophy states that all a human can do is to create conditions in herself that will facilitate nature's work. The foundation of observation includes the "Three Doshas" which is the context of applying lifestyle choices (exercise, food, etc.) to your predominant energy force (dosha).

VATA - (air) dry, cold, irregular
PITTA - (fire) hot, oily, irritable
KAPHA - (water) cold, wet, stable

Most people are a combination of one or two sometimes all three, and often when out of balance they feel "off". Skin is one way to "check in" on a clients general vitality and health. I sometimes see someone with "ruddy" dry skin and know  they have too much vata and pitta going on. What diet, and what skincare will "support" their condition and move towards healing and balance? As an esthetician I do not have all the answers, but will oftentimes lend a book and or refer them to the proper therapist or doctor.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Stem Cell in Skin Care

Thought that this explanation of what Stem Cell Therapy can accomplish in your daily skin care routine.

Is there a place for Stem Cells in Aesthetic Medicine?
Skincare companies have been utilizing stem cells topically in their products; however, they are sourced from plants or bacteria. Because they are not derived from the human body they are not as easily recognized and this results in a less significant effect in the skin. The future of stem cells cosmetically will be the injection of it into our faces almost as commonly as Botox is today. Injected stem cells can replace tissue loss and provide a direct source for critical growth factors.

What are Growth Factors?
Growth factors are produced by the body to control growth, division and maturation of cells. They are what regulate the division and the production of cells.

Where do our Growth Factors come from?
We source our growth factors from adult stem cells that are derived from fat cells. These fat cells are harvested from the subcutaneous fat of healthy adult donors. Once harvested, the stem cells begin a growth cycle during which they generate growth factors.

Beginning Source:
Adult stem cells derived from fat cells.
Stem cells transferred to a culture containing specific growth media.
Stem cells begin dividing. During this process their
growth factors are secreted.
150-300 growth factors and *cytokines are
secreted from the division of stem cells.
We collect the growth factor secretions and leave the stem cells behind to continue division and secretion of growth factors.

*Cytokines work together with cells of the immune system in order to regulate the body's response to disease and infection. Cytokines also mediate normal cellular processes in the body.

What do Growth Factors do when used in skincare?
When growth factors are utilized in products they have two major benefits: protect the skin and stimulate growth of new cells. The growth factors that are secreted from adult human stem cells benefit all skin conditions. Take for example:

HGF (Hepatocyte Growth Factor)
enhances wound repair and increases the number of macrophages for scar tissue removal.

TGF-B (Transforming Growth Factor Beta)
increases new blood vessel formation and collagen production.

FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor)
elevates the number of collagen manufacturing cells along with increasing their production levels.

IFNg (Interferon Gamma)
fights viral and bacterial infections and increases 'Natural Killer' cell activity.

PDGF-AA (Platelet Derived Growth Factor)
creates new fibroblasts, increases the number of macrophages, increases angiogenesis and new cell development.

Why do we choose to use Growth Factors?
We choose to use growth factors because we can obtain hundreds of them from stem cells, and when applied topically to the skin we can encourage multiple cell type growth to repair and replace damaged cells. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

5 Key Ingredients Your Skin Needs!

How can we help the skin to function optimally? Whether taken internally or used topically these 5 ingredients help your body look and feel the best.
1.) 1, 3 Beta Glucan~ a cluster of soluble fiber derived from fermented yeast such as Brewers yeast. Scientifically proven to perform as a potent immune activator with it's ability to activate macrophage immune cells.
2.) Niacinamide~ anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, assists in the fight against free radical damage, assists nutrient delivery through enhancing circulation.
3.) Retinaldehyde~ aids in cell growth and turnover, your body converts this to Retinoic Acid (Retin A) without the irritation associated with Retin A products used topically.
4.) Chlorella Bulgaris~ a species of green algae, anti-oxidant, probiotic properties, prevents collagen breakdown and generates production of new collagen
5.) Willow Herb~ Soothing, healing, anti-inflammatory, free radical scavenging properties

All Osmosis products have these ingredients built into your daily skin care routine. Ask your skin care professional for the system specific to your skin type. People ask what my secret is for close to perfect facial skin at my age, and I have just shared another skin secret.  

Monday, June 27, 2011

Facial Fusion Medi-Facial from Osmosis

A great alternative to harsh acid peels and the daily Retin-A treatments is the new Osmosis Skin Care Line and Philosophy. New products that deliver superior results with no downtime! a patented delivery system that delivers the product past the epidermal barrier into the dermis where fibroblasts and macrophages and other cellular entities require nutrients to thrive. Each of our cells are protected by a phospholipid bilayer. The bilayer is the major component that forms the cell membrane. It acts as a gate allowing only certain molecules to pass through into the cell. Fact: 98% of skincare does not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis or dermis!  Osmosis has revolutionized skincare by delivering ingredients into the dermis by way of coating their ingredients with a liposome called phosphatidylcholine which enhances penetration. Because I incorporate these new products and the use of L.E.D. light therapy during your Medi-Facial your results will be dramatic!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Skin Workout!

Who doesn't love the way their skin looks after an invigorating workout? Flushed and glowing with fresh oxygen and circulation to all the tiny capillaries that feed your skin cells. Yes.... exercise is good for your body which includes skin. As time goes on and circulation gets a bit sluggish, forcing blood into vessels profuse (supply) all the nutrients necessary for repair and rejuvenation. Whatever you like doing, whether it is a brisk walk, jog, run, lifting weights (you get the picture), do it often. One of the tools I use in my treatment room is a Light Emitting Diode handpiece that dilates the tiny vessels in your face to receive increased circulation, good for allowing treatment serums to penetrate, and healing to take place. The rest is up to you !

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Drink To Your Skin Health!

Of course we have all heard that drinking pure water is good for the body. Another little known fact is that our body assimilates liquid more efficiently from foods or liquids that contain properties that allow our system to grab and hold on to the molecules. The hydration from eating an apple or watermelon and other fruits and veggies is better "taken up" into the system than pouring water from a bottle. One great drink you can make at home as a "cocktail" after work is :
4-8 oz. of Sparkling Water
grated fresh ginger ( a small bud, skin removed)
a slice of fresh lemon
1/8 tsp. of cayenne pepper
Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory, lemon is antibacterial , and the cayenne is great for vascular health. All these things add up to prettier, healthier. skin!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mineral Makeup

Appearance has always been a problem for patients after medical esthetic procedures. They say, in a voice of desperation, "When can I apply makeup again?" Most medical esthetic services require a delay in time before the application of the typical makeup products. The answer to that dilemma was the formulation of mineral makeup. Made up of primarily natural minerals, with no unnatural colors or preservatives, it is safe to apply immediately after superficial peels and microdermabrasion, and as soon as re-establishment of the initial epithelia has occurred on the more invasive procedures. Because of this advantage clients can leave the treatment room and feel comfortable going back to work, shopping and out to dinner. The Mineral Base covers redness, is anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and protects from the sun while outside for short periods. So go ahead and protect the investment you have made in your skin!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Eating Vegitarian and Liking it!

Adding UNAMI to vegetables makes them more  flavorful and satisfying. What is UNAMI you ask?  Fish is chock full of UNAMI, the fifth taste alongside the standard four of salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. UNAMI is a Japanese word that is often translated as "meaty deliciousness" Humans crave foods that are naturally rich in UNAMI-aged cheeses, dried mushrooms, miso, soy sauce, fish and meats in all forms.These foods satisfy like nothing else because they are packed with glutamates that radically increase salivation and leave a long, mouthwatering finish on the tongue and palate. Vegetables on their own, have their merits, but we feel like a crucial component is missing. Some might conclude that it is protein that's lacking, but it is actually the
UNAMI we crave (the fifth taste) UNAMI-rich vegetarian cooking produces a satiety that leaves one satisfied.
Simply add ingredients like miso,, pulverized dried tomato, kelp, tofu.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Acid Peels

The ingredient in most anti-aging products is glycolic acid or Retin-A(retinoic acid). The skin doesn't have glycolic acid receptors or does not respond to synthetic acids  so its method of action is simply to destroy epidermal cells. (top skin cells) The response in the skin has inflammation, temporarily reducing lines by the swelling, a cause and effect of damage, and your skin goes into repair mode. Once thought of as beneficial, science is beginning to understand that instead of building new collagen these products force a continued repair of recent damage in the epidermas leaving the dermas where new collagen is formed underfed.So how do you stimulate the skin without damaging it? One clear key ingredient is Retinaldehyde which stimulates Fibroblasts without trauma. Retinaldehyde is what the skin uses to make collagen by converting it to Retinoic Acid. Contact your skin care professional for products which promote collagen building.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ingredients Lists

When purchasing a product, know this!!!!! The first 5 ingredients are what your money is buying. Anything listed after that is negligible or a filler or preservative. Beware of anything paraben based. The front label can say anything and make any claims and have no or very little basis of truth. Flip that bottle around and read under "Ingredients"........The miracle substance should be in the top five. If the top five are the ingredients you were hoping to use, the price will reflect that as most "miracle" products are expensive to harvest and produce and the research behind them are costly. Consumers should do their homework, and understand the bottom line. Good luck and stay Savvy!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Many sunscreens have a myriad of chemicals that irritate and inflame our skin. Professionals in the know recommend SUNBLOCK rather than sunscreen. The difference being Zinc oxide as a block, creating a barrier to the radiation but not absorbing more inflammatory chemicals into the skin such as PABA or OCTYL METHOXYCINNAMATE  or OXYBENZONE. Better to wear a hat and spend only an hour absorbing your Vitamin D with no chemicals than to bathe yourself with dangerous ingredients. Wear your hat and walk the beach reveling in the beauty of your surroundings, take a swim and go home. Shower, and use a moisturizer like shea butter. About Face Esthetics sells a clean sunblock and Organic body butters. Call 941-914-6594 and ask for Lu today!

Monday, March 28, 2011

How Food Affects Skin Health

New studies continue to link a diet full of animal fat and preservatives to cause an inflammatory reaction in your body ending by showing up in your face! As an esthetician, I can improve your skin in one visit enough to clear it for a week. A continued poor diet will manifest and impact your complexion by week two. Fresh veggies and fruits, food you could find out in nature. Clean grains, pure water, and exercise will transform your skin like nothing else!Bookmarks Toolbar Most Visited http://www.facebook.com/login.php http://www.thecosmicpath.com/ http://bl154w.blu154.mail.live.com/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0 http://www.facebook.com/home.php http://bl140w.blu140.mail.live.com/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0 http://www.facebook.com/home.php? http://www.thecosmicpath.com/daily-weather/ http://www.anneortelee.com/ http://www.match.com/connect/connections.aspx?lid=0# http://www.michaellutin.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/